I wanted to announce I have a book coming out on Kindle on December 4, called The Invisible Woman…Nov 11, 2023Nov 11, 2023
The Serpent atop the Mountain–completely insane, I mean you can’t tell me you actually believe those superstitions.Dec 29, 2021Dec 29, 2021
The Stone by the Stream (Part 33)Clouds hung gray just above the treetops, now and then descending in banks of fog that choked out the light of the sun. Beyond the clouds…Oct 30, 2020Oct 30, 2020
The Stone by the Stream (Part 32)“And how do you plan to get my daughter back to me?”Oct 29, 2020Oct 29, 2020
The Stone by the Stream (Part 31)The Priestess awoke the next morning, trembling all over with her right hand curled into a fist as if around an invisible dagger. In the…Oct 27, 2020Oct 27, 2020
HousekeepingThis post is mostly going to be a bit of housekeeping, etc. So if you’re a regular you should probably stick around for this, but if…Oct 26, 20202Oct 26, 20202
Kinda Like CthulhuOne of the more common methods atheists use to attack the Christian God is on moral grounds. They’ll point to the moral repugnance and…Oct 25, 2020Oct 25, 2020
TreesA true poem traces the outlines of the unspeakable, without releasing the tension in a banal attempt to express the truth outright…Oct 24, 2020Oct 24, 2020