Your Orders

Oct 17, 2020


You’re looking for it
before you know you’re looking for it.
Searching, probing,
not even sure what for. And then
there it is!
The key
in your pocket.

Not that you need it right now,
waiting in line for your Little Caesar’s order.
You notice her walk in,
precious little thing.
She orders at the counter,
next to the cartoon man
with a pizza impaled on his spear.

What’s she want?
You’re glad you found the key.
She stands not far off,
glances at you a couple times. Twitchy thing.
(Telling, that.)
You sway gently,
and she sways in harmony. Bingo.

Draw her out.
Strike up a chat with the nice lady
next to you, but let little girlie
sense she’s welcome to join.
And of course she can’t resist…
But your order’s ready and it’s time to go!
I hope you got what you wanted.



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