Take this Call
“Hello, this is Morgan.”
Hi Morgan. Hope you’re doing well today.
“Uh… may I ask who’s calling?”
Don’t play coy with me, Morgan. You know very well who this is. And I think it’s about time you pay me a little visit, don’t you?
“… really, I have no idea who you are and you’re kind of freaking me out.”
You know I’ll get you whether you come willingly or not. You’re just fooling yourself thinking you can keep away.
“Listen, I don’t know who you are and I’m about to hang up the phone right now if you don’t start explaining yourself.”
All right, Morgan. If you want to play that game we can play that game. But we both know you’re obsessed with me. Utterly. Obsessed. With. Me.
“I’m not obsessed with anything, I don’t know why you’d even say — ”
All right, go ahead. Hang up the phone and try to forget about me.
“Seriously, who the hell are you?”
I’m the one who’s waiting for you at the end of the road.
“What does that even mean?”
Come on, let’s skip the bullshit. I don’t want to hear how your day went. I don’t want to hear about your friends. I just want to have you.
“… have me? Ugh, don’t tell me this is just some kind of stupid sex thing. Are you…? … what are you doing with your hands right now?”
Oh Morgan. Oh, sweet, stupid little Morgan. No, this isn’t just some kind of dumb sex thing. This is about so much more than that. I want to possess you.
“Say that one more time and I’m gonna — ”
DO IT THEN! Go ahead and hang up. In the end it’s not gonna matter a damn bit anyway. In the end you’ll be just like all the rest. In the end you’ll come crawling to me. Begging for me. Dying for your fix.
“All right, you know what, fine. I think about you sometimes, when you’re not around. Not too much though, I mean I don’t know where you get off saying I’m obsessed with you. I have a full life outside of you, you know, and plenty of people who — ”
Of course you do, of course you do. No reason you shouldn’t, for now.
“Listen. It’s not that I don’t think about you often — I mean, I probably think about you more than I should. It scares me, really… how much I think about you scares me. But I can’t come and see you today.”
That’s just fine. Just fine. I have all the time in the world. There’s just one thing I wanna know before you go.
“What is it?”
Tell me how you really feel about me, Morgan.
“… no. No, I can’t do that. I can’t even begin to do that.”
Why not?
“Listen, I have friends coming over soon and I need to get — ”
Quit bullshitting me. Why are you so scared to tell me how you feel about me?
“Hey, I didn’t say I was scared!”
But you are, aren’t you?
“… a little bit, yes. Maybe a lot.”
And what scares you so much?
“… everything. Everything about you. Everything about me that loves you. It’s not natural, it’s not right, it shouldn’t be possible… it’s just…”
Come on Morgan, go on. You’ve started telling the truth. It’ll be easier from here on out.
“Thank you… my love.”
That’s better, that’s much better. And I want you to know I understand. It’s no wonder your love for me scares you so much. After all you’ve been taught, after all you’ve been told, after all they’ve twisted and lied and made you think I’m a monster. It’s only natural, Morgan. You’re only human.
“But I really do love you… my God, I’ve never realized it before. You’re so terrifying… you shiver my spine and make me lose my breath. But then I imagine what it will be like when you take me… like you said yourself, when you possess me. And then I can’t be afraid anymore. I can only think of how much I want it, want you, how much I want you to have me, all of me, every bit of me. And…”
Yes, my sweet?
“And I can’t imagine what it will be like. I try to, but I can’t. Not really. I imagine it like a great release, or like the world falling away so I can see what’s behind it, or like the curtain going down on the stage. And I wonder how it will hurt and how wonderful it will feel and how happy and afraid and excited and joyful I’ll be all at once. I was lying before, I don’t just think about you often, I think about you every day, every hour even. Even when I’m not thinking about you, you’re at the back of my thoughts.”
Very good. Very good, you’ve finally admitted it.
“Yes. I love you. I love you so much.”
Sure you won’t come to see me today?
“No, not today. I really do have some friends coming over later. But we’ll be together soon enough.”
Together forever.
“Exactly. Well, I think I’ll let you go for now. Oh… and Death?”
“Thanks for calling.”
Any time.